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National Honor Society

Jesuit High School president Fr. Richard C. Hermes, S.J. and principal Mike Scicchitano '01 welcomed 112 new members of the Class of 2024 into the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society at the NHS Induction Mass on Thursday (Feb. 16) in the Chapel of the Holy Cross.

Jesuit's chapter of NHS, led by faculty moderator Kathy Preble, recognizes students who have put forth great effort in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

NHS officers Cameron Bailey ’23, Grant Creedican ’23, and Caiden Hyer ’23, along with NHS member Chris Tan '23, presented a symbolic ceremony by the lighting of four candles. Each candle represents one of the principles based upon the National Honor Society. 

To be eligible for induction, students must achieve and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.7 and complete the required service hours. Their leadership and character qualities are determined by faculty feedback measuring students' growth during their time at Jesuit, with emphasis on leadership in the classroom as well as in extracurricular activities. 

Click here for a PDF listing of all of the inductees.

Below is a photo slideshow with an individual picture of every student who was inducted on Feb. 16.  The original individual photos of all of the NHS inductees are accessible by clicking here. Click on the photos to download.