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Daily Convocation

Jesuit High School comes together daily at 8:00am sharp in the Chapel of the Holy Cross for Convocation. Convocation is an opportunity for the Jesuit community to receive a spiritually uplifting message that enhances their lives. Convocation can consist of a meditation, uplifting message, personal testimony/experience, spiritual teaching, or information about some aspect of life. The messages ordinarily are 3-5 minutes in length, however the duration is extended occasionally for special presentations. Most messages in Convocation are focused and contain a spiritual element. All Convocation messages are reviewed by the Director of Campus Ministry or a school administrator in advance. Convocations are powerful because they promote reflection and individual growth.

Many Convocations are videotaped and posted on the Jesuit You Tube channel, and the links to those videos are shared on other social media platforms such as Jesuit's primary Twitter and Facebook pages.