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Endowments, Memorial & Honor Gifts

Jesuit High School’s Financial Aid Program, which provides tuition relief to academically qualified students of disadvantaged or low-income families, is dependent upon support from its educational endowments. The money raised for an endowment is perpetual because only the investment returns are used toward financial aid, while the principal remains untouched.

Simply put, the principal generates interest, which in turn is used as financial aid. Jesuit’s Financial Aid Endowment Program does not consist of just one endowment, but rather several fully-funded and partially-funded endowments. Jesuit needs to “grow” this endowment program to keep pace with escalating operating and tuition costs and to increase the total amount of aid distributed each year.

Classmates, family members, and friends of Jesuit can make donations in any amount in memory of departed loved ones or in honor of living individuals. Unless otherwise designated to apply to a specific named endowment, these gifts are added to the general Jesuit High School Endowment for financial aid. To establish a new named endowment, $840,000 in principal value is needed. (A deposit of $250,000 is required.)

A list of Jesuit’s named endowments is published each fall in our President’s Annual Report. For assistance, please contact the Development Office at (813) 877-5344, ext. 704.