Mothers' Club Volunteer Interest 2023-24
Signing up does not commit you to volunteer. You will learn more about the event and then decide if you'd like to help.
Volunteer Opportunities --
Please note that by checking the box you are not committing to the event you are just committing to receiving information related to the event
Participating at events or as part of a committee is a great way to be a part of the Jesuit community and meet other parents. The camaraderie and shared experiences make life long friendships. Please check below all committees and events that you are interested in learning about, participating in, or contributing to during the 2023-24 school year. Some are year-long committees and others are one-time events. Both provide a way to meet other Jesuit moms while serving our boys and the Jesuit community, and having fun in the process! Your help can come in a variety of ways, such as praying at home, providing food for an event, or volunteering on the event day. Many hands make light work! Our events are successful because of people just like YOU! The events listed below include day, evening, and weekend events, so there is something to fit everyone’s schedule. We look forward to meeting you during the year!
Please Note: Complete this form one time only.
Rosary Moms (committee): Participate Friday mornings with moms who gather to pray the Rosary, reflect upon the daily Gospel reading, and attend a monthly Mass celebrated for the group.
Special Projects: Flexible assistance as needed by Events and Parent Relations. This group of “go-to” moms will be called up to help as unplanned needs come up. Flexible time frames.
Baking Moms (committee): An email network that supplies baked goods/desserts/snacks for specific events throughout the year. Baked at home, or store bought are welcomed.
Angel Network (committee): An email network composed of moms to confidentially pray for those in our Jesuit community faced with life’s challenges.
Chapel Moms (committee): Prepare chapels for Masses by washing altar linens and vestments, cleaning the vessels and brass, and occasionally deep-cleaning the chapels.
Christmas Decorations (committee): Assist in decorating the Jesuit High School campus for the Christmas season, which includes decorating the Christmas trees throughout campus and hanging garland on the fences as well as taking down and storing the decorations after the holidays.
Moms in Prayer (committee) : Participate in this ecumenical gathering of moms to confidentially pray for the need and concerns of the students and Jesuit High School ( meets every Monday after drop off in Hyer Hall - Sacred Heart Chapel)
Hospitality (committee): Set up, decorate, provide refreshments and clean up after Mothers’ Club meetings; purchase/distribute paper goods for specific Jesuit events. Assist with inventory and organization of linens, and decor items in basement.
Parent Seminars: August 21-23,28,29 2023. Help with set up, hosting, and serving for evening parent seminars. You can help and attend on the same night. Each grade level has a night.
Parent Orientation: August 31, 2023. Host the post event hospitality reception for the school’s orientation event where parents experience a modified version of their son’s schedules. Volunteers are able to go to their student's classes.
Mothers’ Club Evening Social: Sept. 13, 2023. Plan, set up for, decorate for, and host for an evening Mothers’ Club meet and greet
Homecoming Pre-game BBQ and fun: October 13, 2023. Assist in planning and with set up, decorating, registration, and outside fun for Jesuit’s Friday Night Homecoming event.
Hartnett Golf Classic: (event) October 23, 2023. Carrollwood Country Club. Assistance needed in advance with organizing and securing prizes. Day of event help is needed to greet golfers, host lunch and oversee some golf contests. ( Event Lead: Kathy Pedrero, Alumni Coordinator)
Alumni Memorial Mass (event): Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023. Direct and greet guests at the Chapel of the Holy Cross for 6:00pm Mass. Assist in cafeteria-catered reception after Mass. (Jesuit's Alumni Coordinator - Kathy Pedrero, P '12 '14)
Grandparents Mass & Breakfast: (event) October 22, 2023. Plan, set up, and serve at the reception following a Mass for grandparents. ( Lead Jesuit's Special Events Coordinator: Mary Rouge, P '15, '17)
Open House for Prospective Students (event): November 2. Plan and host a reception for prospective students and their parents after the evening campus tour.
Mothers’ Club Christmas Luncheon (event): Palma Ceia Country Club. December 5, 2023. Help decorate, for our annual Christmas Luncheon.
Jesuit Appreciation Week (event): January 22 - January 26. Help plan and assist with a variety of events planned for the week in appreciation for our wonderful faculty and staff.
Mother-Son Mass and Breakfast (event): February 11, 2024. Light setup for a special Mass and breakfast held at the Hilton Tampa Downtown.
National Honor Society Induction Reception (event) February 22, 2024
Plan, set up, and clean up for an evening reception following the NHS Induction.
Gaudiosa (event): February 24. Actively assist with Jesuit’s principal fund-raising event. Planning meetings are held monthly to prepare for this dinner, dance and auction. Choose the extent of your involvement! (Jesuit's Special Events Coordinator: Mary Rouge, P '15, '17)
Mothers Evening of Reflection: (event) March 14, 2024. Plan, set up, and clean up for Jesuit Mother’s evening including Mass, dinner and a speaker.
Men for Others Dinner: (event) March 17, 2024. Help with set up and check in at Hilton Downtown for this Father-Son evening.
Mothers’ Club Spring Tea:(event) April 17, 2024. Palma Ceia Country Club. Help set up, and decorate for an elegant tea/luncheon hosted for Jesuit mothers.
Celebration of the Arts: (event) April 21, 2024. Plan and set up this outdoor event highlighting a student art show, theater and musical performances. It also features “A Taste of Jesuit,” a light dining affair.
Mother Son Activity: (event) April 25, 2024 6pm. Plan for and set up for fun event involving mothers and sons. Last year we had a successful bowling event. Help come up with some options.
Awards Assembly Reception: (event) April 29, 2024. Plan, set up, and clean up for this evening reception following the annual awards program.
Mothers’ Club Installation Luncheon: (event) May 8, 2024. Tampa Yacht Club. Plan and set up for the luncheon, and installation ceremony for the incoming Mothers' Club Officers and Chairs.
Jr. Ring Mass Reception: (event) May 7, 2024 Non-junior parents host an evening reception after the ceremony honoring the junior class and their families.
Baccalaureate Mass Reception: (event) May 23, 2024 Underclassmen parents coordinate an evening reception after Mass for graduating seniors and their families.