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Dear Jesuit Family,

Each year the month of November is dedicated to prayers for those who “have gone before us marked with the sign of faith.” Beginning with the Mass of All Saints and continuing with the Mass of All Souls, the Church becomes more deeply aware of the Communion of Saints and our unity in Christ. This is a communion that we on earth share not only with one another, but also with those who have died. Our prayers and sacrifices assist our deceased loved ones as they make their final passage to God. In praying for them we also give thanks to God for their lives and we anticipate our future reunion with them in Heaven.

The Jesuit fathers of Jesuit High School invite you to join them in remembering deceased alumni, parents, family, and friends during the month of November. Your intentions for your loved ones will remain on the chapel altar, and will be remembered in our prayers at Holy Mass throughout the month.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Richard C. Hermes, S.J.