College Counseling
The Counseling Department consists of eight counselors who provide Jesuit students with academic, personal, and college counseling at each grade level. Students have access to three full-time college counselors who directly assist students and their parents in the college selection process. Three additional grade-level school counselors and a resource counselor work with students for the purpose of enacting positive changes in the areas of educational, social, emotional, and/or behavioral functioning.
Beginning freshman year and continuing through the senior year, counselors implement a curriculum that is developmental, flexible, and responsive to the specific trends and needs of each grade level. The Counseling Department supports the Jesuit goal of graduating young men who embody the principles of the “Grad at Grad" – Open to Growth, Intellectually Competent, Religious, Loving, and Committed to doing Justice.
See below for a link to Naviance, the School Profile, and grade-level classroom session information.
Family Connection/Naviance
Naviance is a web-based research and planning tool for students, parents, and guidance counselors. The website manages individual students as they move through the entire college planning, application, and decision process.
Click here to access Naviance.
If you have any questions, please contact the Counseling Department at (813) 877-5344, ext. 520.
School Profile
The School Profile for Jesuit High School, a product of the College Counseling department, details such things as the school's graduation requirements, course selection, community service requirements, curriculum, enrollment data, grading and class rank, standardized test and AP test scores, National Merit scores, accreditations, and college acceptances.
Classroom Guidance Sessions
In addition to their daily availability at the Counseling Center, all guidance counselors also meet with students in classroom guidance sessions, one period per cycle throughout the year. Classroom topics for each grade level are:
- Introduction to school life and good study habits
- Personal adjustment to high school
- Values clarification
- Drug and alcohol education
- Personal problems with emphasis on alcohol and other drugs
- Human sexuality
- Preparation for the PSAT
- Review of good study habits
- Preparation for the PSAT, SAT, and ACT
- Interpretation of standardized test scores
- Introduction to college careers and vocational choices
- Stress management
- College choices
- College applications and forms
- Interview techniques
- College life
- College placement
College Representatives Scheduling Visits
College representatives may meet with juniors and seniors on campus. To schedule a visit, please email the assistant to college counseling, Mary Lynch, at, or (813) 877-5344, ext. 520. Please indicate any preferred dates and times. Each visit may last up to one class period, and may be scheduled on most days starting at 8:15am, with the last visit starting no later than 2:30pm. We experience “peak times” for visitors and do our best to schedule all interested colleges. Call us if you have questions about logistics or would like recommendations during your stay in the Tampa area. We look forward to welcoming you to campus.