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School's Out!

School's Out!

The underclassmen finished their final exams Friday (May 24) at 11:30am as Jesuit High School completed the academic portion of its 120th year.

Several events will wrap up the school year, including Baccalaureate Mass (Tue. May 28 in the Chapel of the Holy Cross on campus) and Graduation (Wed. May 29 at the Straz Center downtown) for the Class of 2019, as well as the annual Freshman Pilgrimage to St. Augustine on May 31-June 1.

Also, the Jesuit baseball team is competing in a State Semifinal on Friday, May 31 at 1:00pm at Hammond Stadium in Fort Myers. If the Tigers win, they will play for the State Championship the following day, Sat. June 1, at 4:00pm at Hammond Stadium. 

A partial calendar for next school year, with all of the key dates such as when school begins in August, holiday breaks, etc., is available under QuickLinks on the homepage of the Jesuit website, or click here.

Many Jesuit students will be involved in service immersion mission trips this summer, including return trips to South Dakota (June 8-15), Appalachia (Jasper, Ga. from June 4-12), and Aiken, S.C. (July 23-30); a new trip to Guatemala (June 1-8); a two-week European Pilgrimage departing June 21 and returning July 5; and numerous other service opportunities, including the annual MDA Camp in Umatilla from July 27-Aug. 4.

The school campus will have lots of activity in June and July, with the Jesuit Summer Bridge program for middle school students, sports summer camps, summer courses in art and computer science, summer enrichment, and more. Check the Jesuit website regularly for news and updates, follow us on Facebook at (Jesuit High School of Tampa), on Twitter (@JesuitTampaFL), and on Instagram (Jesuit Tampa, jesuittigers) this summer.

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