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Hartnett Golf Classic

Hartnett Golf Classic

The 41st annual Fr. Richard G. Hartnett, S.J. Memorial Golf Classic brought more than 125 Jesuit alumni, parents, and supporters to the Carrollwood Country Club golf course on a beautiful Monday afternoon (April 29).

As it has for four decades now, the Hartnett Classic supported a great cause: Jesuit students with demonstrated financial need. Monday's event raised more than $40,000 for the school's financial aid program!

The Meadow and Pine courses at CCC were in prime condition, and the event's longtime exclusive Platinum Sponsor, the Columbia Restaurant, closed the day with a sensational dinner of Paella, 1905 Salad, and Flan.

(Homepage photo: Andrew Smith '04, Jay Soley '04, Nico Hohman '07, and Zach Daniel '04 at Carrollwood CC on Monday. See a complete photo slideshow from the Hartnett Golf Classic below.)

The $40,000-plus raised directly benefits the 30% of Jesuit students who receive financial assistance each year. In large part due to events such as the Hartnett Classic, which generates funds through sponsorships, player registration, and raffle sales, Jesuit can provide so many with financial aid.

For the third consecutive year, Cindy Strady, P '19 was the Mothers' Club's Hartnett Committee chair. She, along with numerous Mothers' Club volunteers and Jesuit's Development Office, made the event operate smoothly, setting the tone for a fabulous day.

A photo slideshow, the Hartnett Classic sponsors, event winners from Monday, and the tournament history are all listed below:



Jesuit High School thanks the sponsors who supported the 2019 Hartnett Classic!

Platinum Sponsor and Dinner Sponsor
The Columbia Restaurant

Coozie Sponsor
Craig Arndt '96 - Local Allstate Agent 

Golf Ball Sponsor
AGW Capital Advisors 

Lunch Sponsor
Mr. Empanada

Hole-in-One Sponsor
Reeves Import Motorcars

Silver Sponsors
Bay Food Brokerage
Beach Community Bank
Belt Engineering

Snack Shack Sponsor
Jesuit Tiger Lilies

Hole Sponsors
Barbas Nunez Sanders Butler & Hovsepian, P.A.
The Strategic Group
Elizabeth & Richard Zabak '72
Hudgins Law Firm
Bay Food Brokerage
Belt Engineering
Beach Community Bank
Cory and Hurley Films – Stopwar.Today
Cory and Hurley Law Group
ackerman – Les Joughin '74

Closest to the Pin Sponsor
TD Bank – Chris Papp '98

2019 Hartnett Golf Classic contest winners:

  • 1st place team – Team Allstate: Craig Arndt '96, Jeff Kirk '96, Sam Komar, Chris Newcom '97
  • 2nd place team – Class of '04: Jared Wrage '04, Keith Meehan '04, Nick Esposito '04, Steve Howell
  • 3rd place team – Team Parisi: Steve Parisi, P '21, Nick Ramueso, Tom Gavin
  • Longest Drive – Davis Bilardello
  • Closest to the Pin – Sam Komar
  • Laser Hole (guess drive within 1 yard) – Danny Swanick '02


Fr. Hartnett Golf Classic History
Fr. Richard G. Hartnett, S.J. dedicated 62 years of his life to Jesuit High School. He was a graduate of the Class of 1930, a Jesuit priest, teacher, alumni chaplain, school archivist, and historian. In 1979, Jesuit's Alumni Association established the annual Fr. Richard G. Hartnett, S.J. Golf Classic to raise money for the school's financial aid program for needy students. The tournament's original organizers included James J. "Buddy" Clark '38, Manuel Corral '37, Victor DiMaio '42, Sam Ferlita '38, and Sal Urso '44. Their intent was to bring together Jesuit alumni and friends to benefit the Fr. Hartnett Endowment Fund, and as a way of honoring Fr. Hartnett's lifelong commitment and service to Jesuit High School. The Classic now raises more than $40,000 annually, and for more than four decades has provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to help Jesuit's financial aid program. Fr. Hartnett passed away in 2004, but his legacy and impact on the school lives on in the minds of thousands of Jesuit alumni, and with the annual Fr. Richard G. Hartnett, S.J. Memorial Golf Classic, which is believed to be the Tampa Bay area's longest continuously running charity golf event.

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