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Goodbye, Ties

Goodbye, Ties

Per tradition, after the final bell on the last day of the 3rd quarter, the members of the junior class hang their ties on the statue of St. Anthony in the Student Commons. Aside from all-school Mass days and special occasions, it marks the last time the juniors will have to wear ties at Jesuit. During the 4th quarter, ties are not required, and during senior year it is a senior privilege.

And so it was on Friday afternoon (March 1) at the final bell, as St. Anthony was buried beneath an avalanche of ties from the Class of 2025.

Mark your calendars for the many special events upcoming at Jesuit during the remainder of the school year, starting with the Men for Others Dinner on Sunday (March 17) at the Hilton Tampa Downtown.

Other key dates in April:

  • March 27-April 1 - Easter Break (school resumes Tue. April 2)
  • April 6 - Father-Son Fishing Tournament
  • April 18-20 - Masque Spring Production/Antinori Center for the Arts
  • April 21 - A Taste of Jesuit/Celebration of the Arts
  • April 26 - Mission Drive Day
  • May 2 - Spring Music Concert/Antinori Center for the Arts
  • May 3 - Senior Day and the Senior-Alumni Luncheon/TPepin Hospitality Centre
  • May 4 - Volunteer Appreciation Crawfish Boil
  • May 7 - Junior Ring Mass
  • May 11 - Welcome Day - Class of 2028

Stay tuned for more information on the many upcoming special events at Jesuit, and click here to view the School Calendar on the Jesuit website.

For more photos, go to the Facebook page Jesuit High School of Tampa