Jesuit High School’s Class of 2021 came together on campus on Sat. Nov. 4 for the Freshman Retreat.
This annual Freedom & Brotherhood Retreat for Jesuit's freshman class is the students' first introduction into the school's retreat program, which provides spiritual direction and guidance for Jesuit students.
Every student is obligated to make one retreat during each school year, with students having more retreat options as they progress to senior year. Seniors at Jesuit can choose from retreats such as Father-Son, Silent Directed, and Wilderness and Prayer.
Jesuit's retreat program is under the direction of the assistant principal for mission and faculty development, Fr. J. Patrick Hough, S.J., and the assistant director of campus ministry, Ben Shoup. The retreats are a reflective experience designed to help a student take an honest look at his life, to know more clearly how he stands before God, and to provide tools for the further growth and development of his interior life.
The Freshman Retreat last month brought more than 200 students to campus at Noon on a Saturday for an afternoon of activities, discussions, and reflection. Following evening Mass, the retreat concluded with a candlelight Eucharistic Procession to the Bell Tower.
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