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First Mass of 2019-20

First Mass of 2019-20

The first all-school Mass is always a highlight of the beginning of the school year. However, Thursday's Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Jesuit's Chapel of the Holy Cross was a particularly special occasion.

The Provincial of the Central and Southern Province, Fr. Ronald Mercier, S.J., was the principal celebrant, and during Mass, Jesuit's Fr. Angel-Rivera-Fals, S.J. professed final vows for full incorporation into the Society of Jesus.

With dozens of family and friends in the chapel to support him, Fr. Rivera-Fals, S.J. said his final vows to Fr. Mercier in Spanish, here is the English translation: 

I, Angel Manuel Rivera-Fals, make my profession, and I promise to Almighty God, in the presence of his Virgin Mother, the whole heavenly court, and all those here present, and to you, Reverend Father Ronald Mercier, representing the Superior General of the Society of Jesus and his successors and holding the place of God, perpetual poverty, chastity, and obedience; and, in conformity with it, special care for the instruction of children, according to the manner of living contained in the apostolic letters of the Society of Jesus and its Constitutions.

I further promise a special obedience to the Sovereign Pontiff in regard to the missions according to the same apostolic letters and the Constitutions.

Afterward, the family and friends joined Fr. Rivera-Fals, S.J. in the President's Board Room to celebrate the occasion. 

The next all-school Mass is Fri. Aug. 30, Mass of the Holy Spirit.

Please see below a photo slideshow from Thursday's Mass.


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