Clubs Open House 2024
An abundance of extracurricular opportunities were presented to the student body on Wednesday morning (Aug. 14) during the annual Clubs Open House.
In front of the Chapel of the Holy Cross, Jesuit's thriving clubs scene was on full display. The respective student officers, representing the school's nearly 50 clubs, solicited hundreds of fellow students, who signed on with their favorites to pursue their interests and passions.
Jesuit 2022 Strategic Plan listed "Strengthening Student Life" as one of its three foundational priorities, affirming the commitment to providing a wealth of award-winning extracurricular opportunities, from academic (Speech & Debate, Robotics) and professional (Pre-Med Club, The Company/Business Club) to faith (Altar Servers, Peer Ministry) and service (Environmental Club, SADD, Cornerstone Kids) to the arts (The Masque/Theatre Club, Don't Feed The Artists, Film Club) and many, many more.
Through a vast array of enriching club offerings – many of which have been thriving for decades, others founded only recently via student interest – Jesuit students are developing their talents and leadership skills, and contributing to a vibrant student life.
For photos from Clubs Open House, go to the Facebook page Jesuit High School of Tampa.
Below is the current list of club offerings at Jesuit:
- African American Club - Merck
- Agmen Christi - Hermes
- Altar Servers - Rivera-Fals
- Anime Club - Broussard
- Asian American Club - Collazo
- Aviation/Flying Tigers - Alvarez-Gil
- Big Brothers - Matesich
- Book Club - Malafronte
- Business/The Company - Ibanez
- Car Club - TBA
- Chess Club - Barrett
- Cornerstone Kids - Merck
- Don’t Feed the Artists - Fjelstad/Diaz
- Engineering Club - Fennesy
- Environmental Club - Gajadhar
- Film Club - Barlaan
- Hockey - Wood
- Italian Club - Scicchitano
- Jesuit Leukemia/Lymphoma Society - Esteves
- Jesuit eSports Club - Lublin/Barlaan
- JSPN - Prado
- Key Club - Buono
- Latin Club - TBA
- The Lyre/Literary Club - Davis
- Masque/Theatre Club - Miller
- Masterminds/Quiz Bowl - D. Diaz
- Mu Alpha Theta - Perich
- National Honor Society - Alvarez-Gil
- Native American Club - TBA
- Outdoorsman Society - Mammola
- Peer Ministry - Mitchell/Killackey/Phelan
- Pep Band - Kimbrough/Quesada
- Powerlifting Club - Goldman
- Pre-Law Club - Sutton
- Pre-Medical Club - Hust
- Pro Life - Hermes/Davidson
- Psychology Club - Eggert
- Rho Kappa - Edwards
- Robotics - Fennesy/Lublin
- Rowing Club - TBA
- SADD - Jones
- Songwriting & Music - Roney
- Spanish Club/La Gente - Santiago
- Speech and Debate - Keith
- Strategy Guild - Barrett
- Student Council - Perich
- The Tiger Newspaper - Cox
- The Tiger Yearbook - Cox