Clubs Open House

Thirty Jesuit High School clubs were on display and recruiting students during the Clubs Open House on Thursday (Aug. 17).
From long-time Jesuit staples and award-winning clubs such as Don’t Feed the Artists, the Environmental Club, La Gente, and Key Club, to newer ones such as Crew and Paintball, there were many great options for Jesuit students to choose from for the 2017-18 school year. (Homepage photo: Tiger Pep Band)
Some clubs remained active over the summer. The officers of SADD – Students Against Destructive Decisions – along with moderators Lauren Maguire and Amy Martin attended the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition Leadership Academy as part of the SADD National Conference. There they heard from victims of destructive decisions, and learned about many programs that clubs such as SADD use to assist their classmates and community.
Also this summer, officers in the Business Club, a.k.a The Company, along with moderator Peter Baxter, traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend the DECA, Inc. conference for emerging business leaders.
See below a photo slideshow from Thursday’s Clubs Open House, and below that a full list of current clubs at Jesuit.
Agmen Christi
Altar Servers
Digital Communications - JTNN & Tiger Newspaper
Blue Tide
Chess Club
The Company
Crew Club
Don't Feed the Artists
Eagle Scout Club
Key Club
La Gente
The Lyre
Mu Alpha Theta
National Honor Society
Speech and Debate
Peer Ministry
Pep Band
Pro Life
Student Council
The Tiger Yearbook
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