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Career Day

Career Day

Jesuit High School's juniors and seniors engaged in expert presentations from distinguished alumni and other accomplished professionals during the annual Career Day on Wednesday (Feb. 8).

A total of 25 presenters, including 19 alumni, spanning a vast range of vocations and graduation years, enriched the students throughout the morning in small-group sessions on campus. Every junior and senior participated in four 35-minute presentations, with all of them in-person except for Zoom presentations with Hollywood movie and TV screenwriter Matt Lopez '88.

The sessions included careers such as Biomedical/Chemical Engineering (Dr. Matthew Lazzara '93), Finance/Entrepreneurship (Dylan McCrory '03 and Shaun Abraham '98), ER Physician (Dr. Carlos Smith '90), Crime Scene Investigation (Diane Mueller, P '26), Accounting (Andrew Schultz '85), Real Estate Law (Tyler Hudson '03), and Sports Communications (Nelson Luis '88).

Alumnus Grant Podsobinski '04, started the morning off at Convocation in the Chapel of the Holy Cross. (Click here to view Podsobinski's presentation on the Jesuit YouTube channel.) The Area Executive Vice President at Gallagher, a global insurance, risk management company, Podsobinski spoke about the influence of his Jesuit High School education on his career, and how keeping a journal of his daily prayer has made a huge positive impact on his life. Podsobinksi then engaged students in small-group sessions about his career.

For images from Career Day go to the Facebook page Jesuit High School of Tampa. View the full list of presenters below.


Shaun Abraham '98 Finance/Entrepreneurship
Ricky Braun Athletic Training
Dr. Dominic Castellano '92 Head and Neck Surgery
Jack Cerillo '16 Medical Student
Will Clewis '16 Public Information Specialist
Byron Crowell '88 Marketing/Entrepreneur
John Fontana '02 Real Estate/Entrepreneur
Cole Hernandez '15 Construction Management
Dr. Michael Higgins, P '23, '26 Physician
Tyler Hudson '03 Real Estate Law
Dr. Chris Iler '93 Clinical Psychology
Charlie Kutt '10 Ministry/Community Services
Dr. Matthew Lazzara '93 Biomedical and Chemical Engineering
Matt Lopez '88 Movie/Television Screenwriting
Nelson Luis '88 Sports Communications
Dylan McCrory '03 Finance/Entrepreneurship
Sara Menendez Fish and Wildlife
Chase Minacci '22 Construction Management
Diane Mueller, P '26 Crime Scene Investigation
Grant Podsobinski '04 Insurance
Justin Sanchez '17 Cybersecurity
Andrew Schultz '85 Accounting/Finance/Entrepreneurship
Dr. Carlos Smith '90 ER Physician
Chad Wallace Career Services
Hayden Wennerdahl Fish and Wildlife
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