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Alumni Memorial Mass

Alumni Memorial Mass

Jesuit High School alumni who have passed away were remembered Sunday (Nov. 6) at the annual Alumni Memorial Mass on campus.

School president Fr. Richard C. Hermes, S.J. celebrated the Mass in the Chapel of the Holy Cross, and afterward he led the congregation outside to Oliva Courtyard. There, in the center of the courtyard surrounding the fountain, newly etched cobblestones with the names of deceased Jesuit alumni were blessed and dedicated.

Please view photos from the Alumni Memorial Mass on the Facebook page Jesuit High School of Tampa

Below are the names of the 82 alumni whose bricks were installed in Oliva Courtyard, and then blessed and dedicated during the Alumni Memorial Mass on Nov. 6.

Robert E. Abbott, Jr. '44
Ignacio A. Almorza '88
Frederick Beardsley '44
Ted Berriman, Jr. '52
Dale Bohannon '83
Billy B. Boyette '47
William Brennan '48
Willard Briggs '51
Robert L. Brorein '47
Kevin M. Bufkin '95
Joseph P. Butzloff, Jr. '38
Carl J. Butzloff '41
Theodore Cannella '62
John F. Canty, Jr. '45
Dereck Capaz '96 
John F. Cardosi '44
Herman Christ '62 
Louis E. Cimino, Jr. '71
Joseph H. Clark, Jr. '48
Clifford Clawson '50
Thomas Cooke '41
Joseph Crehan '77
Robert J. Crichlow '44
Ruben Cuervo '51
Ronald Dessureau '60
John T. Dolphy '42
Jose C. Dominguez, Jr. '78
Carl M. Dughi '42
John Fagot '61
Bro. Casey Ferlita, S.J. '57
Frank J. Fernandez, Jr. '58
Francis C. Flaherty '48
Louis A. Fojaco '39
Ernest L. Garcia '50
Gary R. Gilbert '54
Jan T. Goff '54
Henry Gonzalez '76
Philip V. Guedry '47
John M. Hater '71
Joseph Hawkins '42
Robert T. Heath '45
Casey A. Higgins '92
D. Scott Ingersoll '68
Thomas J. Kak '52
Thomas G. Knight '42
Francis J. Krist '49
Michael E. Kristensen '95
Paul A. Lagomarcino '59
Joseph C. Lancaster '48
John Lastra '59
Richard A. Lynch '48
Richard Martinez '62
Wallace T. McClellan '54
Kevin R. McNulty '69
James F. Mellon '42
Carl S. Memmel '43
Richard R. Miller '67
T. Patrick Nacol '60 
Richard O'Berry '44
Alexander A. Perez '73
William Phillips, Sr. '50
Philip Pullara '47
John L. Puls, Sr. '56
Joseph Ramentol '65
Anthony M. Rodriguez '56
Arthur L. Royal '47
Reginald J. Scolaro '57
Richard Scott '47
Lawrence A. Seely '48
Peter Siegwald '62
Willard C. Silva, Jr. '48 
C. Neil Smith, Jr. '65
Philip T. Smith '70
Mark D. Southwick '72
Randall T. Stack '65
Marcus Testa-Secca '67
Charles Thompson '44
Nores A. Truitt '47
James Warder '48
Francis A. Young '36
Robert U. Young '74

The names listed are those alumni who have a deceased date from October 1, 2021 to September 14, 2022 or as made known to Jesuit.

Please notify us of any omissions. Contact Kathy Pedrero at 813-877-5344 ext. 709 or

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